Directed by Alfred Hitchcock “North by Northwest” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint “Psycho” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins “Rear Window” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly “Rebecca” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine “Rope” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring James Stewart “Shadow of a Doubt” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Joseph Cotten and Teresa Wright “Strangers on a Train” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Farley Granger and Robert Walker “Suspicion” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine “The 39 Steps” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Robert Donat “The Lady Vanishes” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Michael Redgrave “The Trouble with Harry” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring John Forsythe, Edmund Gwenn, and Shirley MacLaine “Vertigo” directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring James Stewart and Kim Novak Back to the Store